Making Office Harmony Great Again. Quiet is the New Loud. One AirPod each. We go deep on tea. Schwift. Modern app development techniques. Container Views. Auto Layout. Stack Views. Design tools for great apps. The benefits of native UI.
Decentralising social media. Waking ourselves gently. Trolling Alexa. AirPods and where to find them. Bluetooth. Safari extensions. Thomas makes a big announcement.
029 - I tried that, but it resulted in me getting elbowed
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Dave has to program over Christmas. Baz ponders the monetisation of Wordsnap. Thomas left-pads his home. Baz and Dave go deep on lighting. Thomas tries to listen to music from this decade and ends up giving out about apps from this decade. Money saving options for subscription services. We discuss recommendation engines.
028 - A broken 24-hour watch is only right once a day
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We review a posh handbag and a posh Kindle. We go deep on Soviet mechanical watches. Remembering the game Papers Please and celebrating all things Soviet. Feedback on our coding style guide discussions from episode 26. Thomas can’t understand why he’s an idiot for conflating sci-fi with role-playing games. The awfulness of The Big Bang Theory. App monetisation strategies and ads. How Dave won the US Presidential Election. Resolutions redux.
026 - With Alexa, I can do whatever the hell I want
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One of us has no heating. We argue about trivial stylistic differences in code, and the pros and cons of style guides. The noise that the new MacBook Pro keyboard makes. Battery life and browser choice. Dave gets an Amazon Home and reflects on 11 years on Reddit.
Thomas abuses WordPress and writes some JavaScript. Another take on cross-platform app development. Apple stops making wireless routers. We imagine a world without the Mac. What do the alternatives look like on the PC side? We give some surprisingly useful advice for Christmas presents.
A listener asks us about the best way of getting in to iOS development, we give wildly contradictory answers. We take another look at Swift. The many faces of Visual Studio. We discuss the new UK surveillance law and paranoia takes hold.
023 - You can just stroll up to someone and start talking to them
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We give our verdict on the new MacBook Pros, and discuss what is a professional anyway. Dave reminds us that “Bitchin’ ain’t switchin’”. Dongles. Thomas and Dave get overfamiliar with podcasters in real life. Baz and Dave discuss their recent trip to Ull. We discuss David Smith’s lessons from the app store. Baz reveals a secret.
022 - I'm not going to develop an operating system
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This week we discuss our experiences with Baz’s new PSVR, and Nintendo’s announcement of its Switch hybrid handheld/console. Dave discusses life with no internet and his new iPhone 7. We discuss the potential for new Macs and iPads ahead of Apple’s announcement.