A slightly later episode this week due to some technical difficulties: Dave gradually descends into incoherence but he assures us that it’s was just his recording setup. So, Baz is still on the betas and Barbara Streisand leaks the release date of iOS 10! We talk about the latest rumours about the next iPhone. Dave talks about his photo sharing setup with Photos and iCloud and the hundreds of photos he’s taken since January. Ireland will officially never have an Apple ‘Store’, Thomas wants a Genius Bar and we weigh up repairing stuff ourselves. We talk new PlayStation 4, the PS Vita hack and Baz and Dave reminisce about the PSP and their programming days. We discuss Facebook partnership with Unity and their entry into the desktop gaming market… and then Dave gets incoherent (incase you thought it already happened).
What’s making us happy?
- Thomas: CAO analysis
- Baz: Soma
- Dave: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive